February 28, 2013

  • I feel like after ten years here, I'm finally becoming well known in the music community.  I've been playing the violin for a lot of weddings, judging Solo and Ensemble competitions, conducting violin sectionals at Cameron's school, and I was just asked to conduct the National Anthem at my Symphony's concert next week... w00t!  More and more people refer to know me as the "Messiah" conductor too which is cool.

    We got our new desk in.  Mike spent 4 hours putting it together last night and didn't even get it to the hutch... it has a ton of pieces.  There were two pieces scratched, so they are sending replacement parts.  No, it's not real wood, but it still looks really nice and was a fraction of the price of the real wood desks. 


    We're still putting our house back together from the painting/ carpet, but at least the downstairs is done.  It's really our room that is the last remnants of everything.  After that's done, then I want to finish painting, since we rushed to paint the carpeted areas and didn't paint any tile areas yet.  We're almost done with renovations and then we're saving the rest for other expenditures we have or may have this year.

Comments (1)

  • Pretty soon your head will be so big from all the compliments that you will need to widen the doors (grin). You are very talented and you do a pretty good job of balancing your life. As long as you continue to honor the Lord in your accomplishments, He will continue to prosper you. And the desk looks nice. Love you.

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