Month: June 2013

  • Let’s see, we’ve had three swim meets in the last two weeks. Logan and Errolyn are both doing well and both have received some first place ribbons. A couple of weeks ago Sister Walker, our patriarch’s wife, passed away. We used to be in the same ward and she was a very funny woman who I loved talking to. I went to her funeral and bawled my eyes out. I cried at all the memories I had with her, I cried because I have grandparents I love who are also getting to this point in life, I cried thinking about my family… funerals always make me cry. She was a big Spurs fan, so it was doubly upsetting that they also lost the Championship on the same night as her funeral.

    On Saturday, Jim came over and the kids taught him how to play Bang. It was a good visit. Linda and her family arrived in time to eat dinner with us. The kids also taught Linda and Dave to play Bang, in fact we played it a lot in the evenings and they liked it so much they ordered it before they left. :)

    On Sunday, Cameron and I played a cello/ violin duet of “My Heavenly Father Loves Me.” We both did a good job and we both received numerous compliments. It was my first time playing with Cameron and he did a really good job. I was a proud Mama. :) Jim, Kathy, and Grandma also came to church to see Linda and to hear us play. Later in the evening Carol and Kathy came by to see Linda.

    On Monday, we took Linda and her family swimming at our pool. The kids all had a good time. We came home and Carol and Grandma came over. We had dinner and FHE and then Bluebell courtesy of Linda and Dave. On Tuesday, Linda and Dave wanted to see the Alamo so we all went, except for Mike who was working. Then we began the long trek down the Riverwalk, then to a neat wooden playground, and then to some above ground fountains that the kids could play in. It was incredibly hot, so the fountains were very welcome. Dave and I walked to the cars and picked up Linda and the kids so they didn’t have to walk all the way back to the cars. The kids and I raced home since Logan and Errolyn had a swim meet and they had already missed their warm-up.

    Linda’s family left on Wednesday; I enjoyed seeing my sister again! On Friday, we drove to Houston and stayed with my parents. Kevin was sick but still stayed down to talk to us. Even though it was a short visit I still enjoyed seeing and talking with my Mom, Dad, and Kevin. On Saturday morning we talked some more and then left pretty early to drive to Galveston. We stopped several times to get lunch, fill up with gas, exchange Redbox’s, etc. since we left way before everyone else and had time. We all met up at Stewart Beach since it had showers and was close. The showers were nice at the end, but it was way too crowded and I don’t think I’ll recommend going there again. The kids had a blast playing in the ocean and the sand. I applied sunblock several times to the kids, especially Emma because she is so fair. Emma still somehow got a really bad burn on her back… I feel so badly for her. Cameron got burned on his sides because we only put sunblock on his chest and back, not his sides. I got a sunburn on my legs pretty badly but I’m fine everywhere else. Mike has one little spot on his foot that got burned that he must have missed when rubbing in the sunblock. Errolyn and Logan just got tan. We met Linda, David, and Janet and their families at the beach and it was fun to talk to them all and play at the beach. Afterwards my family showered and we began the long drive back home. I was really tired after the beach and Mike could tell I was tired so he made me pull over so he could drive instead which was nice since I slept most of the way home. We unpacked, started some laundry, and then I went back to bed. I love my bed.

    The kids have another Swim Meet on Monday, so we had our FHE tonight instead. Logan drew a question from the Missionary Jar that said, “Why does your church focus on the family so much?” His answer was hilarious and I tried hard not to laugh when he said it. He said, “Because your family are the ones who take you to church and if they die, then I don’t know the way to church and there would be nobody to take me. So, that’s why we talk about families a lot.” Lol… I love it. {And there, we are done Cheryl. Sorry to keep you waiting. J/k… love you! ;) }

  • So, the Friday before school got out Errolyn’s school had a career day. Errolyn came home from school crying because the artist who came showed some nude drawings. She asked the teacher to leave and the teacher said no. Needless to say I was very upset. The teacher denied there were inappropriate pictures throughout and said the first three were nude but you couldn’t see anything. The principal denied there was anything inappropriate. Long story short, we all had a meeting with the artist and there were indeed nude pictures that showed detail that was highly inappropriate anyone, especially elementary school children. The principal, who had not seen the slide show but took the teacher’s word for it, immediately apologized after seeing the pictures and said the pictures should never have been shown. Errolyn came up to the school and the principal and teacher apologized.

    Errolyn had a friend from school get baptized, so that was neat. I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and everyone seemed to really be touched by the examples I shared. Last Friday, Mike set up a broadcast for the others Stakes for one of the seventy that was speaking to the Single Adults at our Stake Center. Last Sunday, I subbed in nursery. Cameron had an ortho appointment and found out that we don’t have to turn his expander anymore although he still needs to keep it in for three more months. He can’t wait to get it out since it makes him talk funny. Logan and Errolyn’s swim meet got cancelled because of rain. Tuesday, Mike left for D.C. and came back on Friday night. It was interesting having all four of my kids home each day and no husband to help relieve me a little in the evenings, but I survived. It turned out that Carol and George also went to D.C. this week and had been in the National Mall the same day as Mike. They never ran into each other and didn’t know they were all in D.C. at the same time, but I think it would have been hilarious if they had run into each other so far away from home.

    I really wanted Cameron and Errolyn to read “I Am David” since it’s one of my favorite children’s books, but they had no desire. So, I promised them each a Redbox and snacks during the movie if they finished the book this summer. Well, they both finished it in a few days and loved it… lol. So, Errolyn picked “A Monster in Paris” and it was just ok. Cameron picked “Escape From Planet Earth” which I thought had a good moral and was much better than the other movie. I was upset nobody picked “Oz” so I rented that the next night after Emma went to bed. They all loved it and laughed at way more scenes than I had even thought was funny.

    Errolyn and I went to a musical fireside that the Institute put on. It was fun to hear all of the pieces, but I especially loved Suzanne who played the guitar and sang an arrangement of “Amazing Grace.” She had such a good voice, but I have to admit that I have a soft spot for guitar music because of my Dad…. who I need to call in a minute. :) I have fond memories of listening to Paul Harvey with my Dad so I sent him some CD recordings of Paul Harvey’s “The Rest of the Story.”

    Saturday, we cleaned and Mike took the kids swimming. I got paid to play for another wedding, so I was gone most of the evening. Today, we all made breakfast in bed for Mike and the kids made cards. Apparently, nobody planned anything for Father’s Day at church. If I had known that I would have, but I’m not in any leadership positions in our ward so I assumed they had it covered. I told them if they did something for next week I would like to help. Other than that, we’ve all been playing games together. The kids keep wanting to play the Bang game on my I-pad, but I prefer they play the real game face to face… more interaction.

  • So, I’ve mentioned recently that I switched from milk to Almond Milk and now to Coconut Milk because I don’t like the taste of almonds and milk has too many hormones/bad things in general and also messes up my sinuses. While, I love the Silk Coconut Milk, it was too sweet to have with most cereals. I have finally found the best milk, that isn’t milk! It is So Delicious Coconut Milk, Unsweetened, 45 Calories. It tastes almost just like milk, isn’t sweet like the other coconut milks, and you can barely taste the coconut, if at all (although I didn’t mind that part because I love coconut). I’m so excited! Now I can eat cereal again on a regular basis. :)

    (I bought it at HEB… just went to Walmart and couldn’t find it there…)

  • Random things:

    Mike fixed the broken printer… it wasn’t feeding the paper on one side because a fruit snack was stuck between the paper… wonderful.

    We get each kid their own Friend or New Era, depending on their age, and I love seeing how excited they get when it arrives in the mail! They are so excited to read it, although I think half the excitement is just getting their own mail.

    So, swim team started and has consumed our lives! Logan and Errolyn are both doing well, but I will be glad when practice switches to mornings instead of in the middle of dinner time. Last Tuesday was crazy!! I took Logan and Errolyn to swim team. Mike came to the pool after work so I could take Cameron and Emma to his orchestra concert. Mike took Errolyn and Logan home to change and then dropped Errolyn off at Activity Days. He took Logan to the church while he helped with temple recommends. When Cameron’s concert was done, I picked up Errolyn and met Mike and Logan at home. I hate when everything happens on the same night.

    Last Friday, I ate with Logan and Errolyn at school. Mike stayed home and finished the wall/ door he built to make Logan’s new bedroom. It looks super good! On Saturday, I was supposed to play a concert with the professional Symphony here, but it was flooding all over town and got cancelled. So, instead Errolyn and I went to Houston to visit my Dad since I was really worried about him. Cameron really wanted to go, but I promised I would take him next time. I won’t go into details but my Dad has had extreme kidney stone problems and pains… I have a difficult time thinking of him going through so much pain. It’s just not fair and I wish I could do something to help him. We had a good time seeing everyone in Houston and came back late Sunday evening.

    On Monday, we took the kids downtown to a really cool wooden park that they love. They also played in some above the ground fountains/ sprinklers and then we walked down to the river for a minute. Later, the Updike’s came over and went swimming with us. We came back and ate dinner and talked since we had both had our FHE’s earlier in the day because it was a holiday. On Wednesday, Logan had his trophy party for t-ball and had a good time.

    On Saturday, we cleaned the house and then went to Logan’s last t-ball game. He hit really well without the tee. He’s improved quite a bit and has a natural ability to know where he needs to get the ball to get people out. He also throws really well. Then Logan went to a birthday party at the skating rink. He was the only kid who could skate without needing the rolling cart to hold onto and he had a great time skating with his friends since he’d been asking to go skating for a while. Cameron and Errolyn went to a birthday party across the street and also had fun. Emma just went shopping with me… poor thing… no party. But, she did get new sandals which she desperately needed.

    In the evening, we picked up our friends, the Updikes, and went to the Symphony since I had received 4 free tickets from the Symphony since I wasn’t able to play with them the week before because of the flood. The Symphony played Mahler Symphony no. 3 and I loved it!! The last movement is so moving to me and absolutely gorgeous! I think the others got bored pretty quickly, but I really enjoyed it. Afterwards, we went to La Madeleine for dessert and to talk. We had a good evening.